
Administrative and accounting review
• revision of the internal control system
• review of accounting and administrative procedures
• cost accounting and management system audit
• budget review and gap analysis
• establishment of an internal auditing department, including relevant training

Voluntary auditing and certification of financial statements
• review of annual operating budget and interim financial reports
• review of extraordinary financial statements
• verification of the correct application of accounting principles
• verification of compliance with civil law

Accounting and financial reporting
• reporting and verification of accounting procedures
• establishing new accounting procedures
• consolidated financial statements

EDP Consulting
• analysis and control of IT systems

• analysis of internal procedures
• analysis of responsibilities
• adjustment of the new plan in line with current regulations

Finance and corporate transactions
• mergers, divestitures and acquisitions
• restructuring of companies and groups
• transfers of companies abroad
• financial advice
• project financing
• feasibility studies and business planning
• listing on EURONEXT in Paris
• listing in Frankfurt

Brain in Italy
• sworn certification "Brain in Italy"




Nel decreto correttivo flat tax CPB e proroga della rottamazione

Via libera definitivo al decreto correttivo



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